The other big difference is the ‘healthcare system.’ I believe whoever has stayed in the USA can feel such a big difference with this too!
In Taiwan, we have ‘National Health Insurance‘ (全民健康保險). The insurance covers 99.6 % population in Taiwan (from national health insurance,, and most healthcare institution has the service contracts with 93%. The number means you can go to most hospitals and clinics, and you can get good healthcare at a very reasonable price. The system is very convenient, universal, accessible, and affordable. Although there is some room to be improved about the system, I think this is still a model healthcare system that deserves worldwide acclaim. I’m proud of this system, and I hope Taiwanese can cherish this system and make this better.
In the USA, there’s health insurance, but it’s not what we know as ‘universal’ healthcare insurance. They have federal, Medicare, and state healthcare system, Medicaid, insurance from work employers, and a unique healthcare system. If you are interested in reading Mandarin introduction, you can go to this blog ( Their healthcare insurance is very complicated; even most of themselves can’t figure it out all. You may ask, how about Obama care? Well…NO…it’s not there yet. There are tons of problems that need to be solved. You can go to this blog to read Mandarin introduction:—-%E8%AB%87%E3%80%8C%E6%AD%90%E5%B7%B4%E9%A6%AC%E5%81%A5%E4%BF%9D%E6%B3%95%E3%80%8D%EF%BC%88ob.
I have student healthcare insurance, but I need to search clinics before I go. I usually need to make an appointment. I need to make sure they’re under my insurance, or I need to pay lots of money, which is equivalent to around 3000 NTD. I can’t imagine how people who can’t make enough money to afford that. You need to pay co-pay, like Taiwan’s registration fee, around 300 to 450 NTD. It’s still more expensive than our 150 NTD, but much cheaper than the fee without insurance. You won’t see the doctor for a bit of cold, because it’s not like in Taiwan. If you don’t have enough money, you don’t have the right to get sick.
National Health Insurance is one of the best things I miss in Taiwan. I still pay my insurance fee in Taiwan. I hope everyone can realize how it’s difficult to have the high quality healthcare insurance, and don’t waste the resource. I also hope USA can improve their healthcare insurance, although I think it’s still a long way to go.